What Are The 8 Different Types of Pet CBD Products for Dogs and Cats

The world of CBD is incredibly diverse, catering to a wide range of needs, and it even offers options for our beloved pets. When it comes to pampering our four-legged friends, there’s a spectrum of pet-specific CBD products tailored for both dogs and cats, encompassing a variety of options such as CBD oils, tinctures, capsules, sprays, balms, shampoos, chews, and dietary supplements.

As a devoted dog lover, I’ve made it my mission to ensure my furry companions have the best care.

There are several important factors that require consideration before purchasing CBD for your pet. As an expert in the CBD industry, let me take you on a journey through this blog. You’ll gain insights into the world of CBD products for pets, receive valuable tips on selecting the right options, and acquire some knowledge to ensure you’re making the best choice for the well-being of your furry companions.

It’s crucial to note that the CBD products meant for your own use may not be suitable for your furry companions

Key points of the article:

  • Perfectly measure your pet’s dose with CBD tinctures
  • Why give CBD straight in the pet’s mouth?
  • CBD capsules have longer shelf life than other products
  • CBD infused-shampoo can protect the fur of your pets
  • Take care of your pet’s paws with CBD balm.
  • Purchasing organic products is a safer choice for your pets
  • Make sure the CBD products contain no more than 0.3% THC

Table of Content:

8 Types of Pet CBD Products for Dogs and Cats?

The variety of CBD products tailored for our furry companions can be overwhelming. As a fellow pet lover and a CBD expert, I know the importance of selecting only the finest options for our beloved four-legged friends – ones that bring no harm and only benefits. 

As a fellow pet owner, I deeply understand the strong bond we share with our beloved four-legged family members. It’s with this shared commitment to their well-being that I’ve taken the initiative to curate a comprehensive list of CBD products designed exclusively for pets, delving into their distinct advantages.

Let’s start this journey, shall we?

1. CBD-Infused Oils (Oral Administration)

CBD-infused oils are the best way to give CBD to your pet. And, this is the only way I give CBD to my dog, Tucker.  CBD oils for pets are highly versatile and offer pet owners more control over dosing. These liquid formulations typically come with a dropper for accurate measurement and administration. These oils are available in different flavors, potencies and various carrier oils to ensure there is something to please even the pickiest pets. Pet owners find CBD tinctures a very convenient option because of the following advantages:

  • Convenient & customizable dosing: The oils should come with a measure dropper so you can easily determine your pet’s dose and this makes it easy to track your pet’s CBD intake. Pet owners can adjust the dosage according to their pet’s specific needs and weight.
  • Easy administration: Can be given directly into the mouth and works quickly. Can be given out of your palm or an empty food bowl as well if your dog does not like taking CBD straight in their mouth. 
  • Convenient and portable: The compact size of tincture bottles makes them convenient to carry when traveling with pets.
  • Suitable for sensitive pets: Contain natural and gentle ingredients, making them suitable for pets with sensitivities
  • Flavor variety: From bacon and chicken to peanut butter and salmon, there are diverse flavors to appeal to different taste preferences.

Why is it important to give CBD straight in the pet’s mouth? 

Giving a dog CBD sublingually, meaning placing it under the tongue (or as close as you can get) for absorption, can be the preferred method for a few reasons:

  • Faster Absorption: Sublingual administration allows CBD to enter the bloodstream more rapidly. The blood vessels under the tongue provide a direct route, bypassing the digestive system, which can slow down absorption.
  • Precise Dosage: It’s easier to control the dosage when administering CBD sublingually. You can ensure that your dog gets the exact amount recommended for their specific needs.
  • Consistent Effect: Sublingual CBD tends to provide a more consistent and predictable effect, as it doesn’t depend on the dog’s digestive process, which can vary from one individual to another.
  • Reduced Waste: When ingested, some of the CBD may be lost during the digestive process. Sublingual administration minimizes this wastage, ensuring that your dog receives the maximum benefit from the CBD.

2. CBD Capsules

CBD capsules are a great option if you are looking for an easy and straightforward method to deliver CBD to pets. They are pre-measured doses and simple to administer. Capsules can be taken with or without food. 

CBD capsules have some pros that make them a popular choice among pet owners.

  • Precise dosing: Capsules come in fixed doses, removing the need for measuring CBD each time.
  • Flavorless: Since they are tasteless, capsules are ideal for pets that may resist flavored treats or oils.
  • Long shelf life: Capsules have a longer shelf life than other CBD pet products, maintaining potency over time.

3. CBD Pet Sprays

CBD pet sprays are a convenient and mostly mess-free way to add CBD to your pet’s daily routine. Sprays are a good choice if you prefer to spray CBD into their mouth. Some of the benefits of pet sprays include:

  • Easy administration: Allow for quick and precise CBD delivery without any fuss.
  • Subtle flavor: Many have a mild taste, reducing the chances of pets rejecting the product.
  • Ideal for on-the-go use: Compact and travel-friendly for pet owners on the move.

4. CBD Pet Balms

CBD salves and balms for pets can be a remarkable solution for addressing a variety of common skin issues our fur babies encounter. These products typically take the form of a gentle balm or salve, which can be lovingly massaged into the areas in need of care.

Dogs can experience a range of skin problems, including:

  • Allergies: Dogs can be allergic to various environmental factors, such as pollen, mold, or certain foods, leading to itchy skin, rashes, and inflammation.
  • Fleas and Ticks: Infestations of these parasites can cause skin irritation, itching, and even allergic reactions in some dogs.
  • Hot Spots: Hot spots, or acute moist dermatitis, are areas of inflamed and infected skin that are often the result of excessive licking or scratching.
  • Dry Skin: Just like humans, dogs can suffer from dry, flaky skin, especially in dry or cold weather.
  • Skin Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can lead to symptoms like redness, hair loss, and foul odors.
  • Yeast Infections: Yeast overgrowth on the skin can cause itching and discomfort for dogs.
  • Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis can occur when a dog’s skin reacts to certain substances, such as harsh chemicals or plants like poison ivy.
  • Parasitic Infections: Mange and other parasitic skin infections can cause intense itching, hair loss, and skin lesions.
  • Ear Infections: While not on the skin, ear infections are common in dogs and can be painful and cause skin problems around the ears.
  • Environmental Irritants: Dogs can react to various irritants in their environment, such as certain cleaning products or even the grass they walk on.

It’s important to consult with a veterinarian if your dog is experiencing any of these skin issues to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

A CBD salve for dogs with skin irritation can offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Soothing: CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help calm irritated skin, reducing redness and discomfort. It can provide relief from itching and irritation caused by various skin issues.
  • Protecting: CBD salves often create a protective barrier on the skin, shielding it from further irritation and potential contaminants in the environment. This can be especially beneficial for dogs prone to hot spots or other forms of dermatitis.
  • Moisturizing: Many CBD salves contain nourishing ingredients that can help moisturize dry or flaky skin. Hydrated skin is less prone to irritation and can heal more effectively.
  • Promotes Healing: CBD has been shown to potentially accelerate the healing of damaged skin. It may aid in the regeneration of skin cells, helping wounds or irritated areas recover more quickly.
  • Targeted relief: Target specific areas, making them effective for localized discomfort.
  • Non-invasive: Are applied externally, making them suitable for pets who may not enjoy oral products.
  • Natural Ingredients: CBD salves often contain natural ingredients that are gentle on a dog’s skin, reducing the risk of adverse reactions that can sometimes occur with synthetic or harsh products.

Always consult with a veterinarian before using any new product on your dog’s skin, including CBD salves, to ensure it’s suitable for your pet’s specific condition.

5. CBD Pet Shampoos

CBD-infused pet shampoos have gained popularity for promoting a healthy coat and skin in pets. These shampoos typically combine the benefits of CBD with other nourishing ingredients. 

The benefits of CBD pet shampoos include but are not restricted to:

  • Skin health: This can help soothe irritated skin and address common skin issues in pets.
  • Shiny coat: This can contribute to a lustrous and healthy-looking coat.
  • Cleansing and calming: This can serve both cleaning purposes and offer a calming effect during bath time.

6. CBD Pet Chews & Treats

CBD pet chews and treats refer to chewable treats infused with CBD. They are available in various flavors to entice pets and make administering CBD an easier experience for the owner. Since they are chewable, most pets are apt to take them. However, the down-side of this form is that the chew or treat needs to pass through the pet’s digestive system, slowing down the onset of action and reducing the potency of the CBD.  A lot of feedback from people we speak with is that, “CBD treats don’t work.” Nonetheless, pet chews and treats can be convenient for these reasons:

  • Flavor variety: These come in different flavors, making them more appealing to pets.
  • Easy to monitor intake: Each chew contains a fixed amount of CBD, allowing precise control over the dosage.
  • Discreet administration: Pet chews can be given as treats without pets realizing they are taking a supplement.

7. CBD-Infused Pet Food

Another convenient way to incorporate cannabinoids into a pet’s daily diet is CBD-infused pet food. These pet foods are specially formulated, combining essential nutrients with the potential benefits of CBD.

This product is convenient for many reasons:

  • Easy integration: CBD-infused pet foods blend seamlessly into your pet’s regular feeding routine.
  • Complete nutrition: Many CBD pet foods contain a balanced mix of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for overall health.
  • Long-lasting effects: CBD-infused pet food offers sustained benefits throughout the day when incorporated into daily meals.

The negatives of CBD infused pet food are: 

  • Dosage: No control over the dosage of CBD

First-Pass Metabolism: The food needs to pass through the pet’s digestive system, slowing down the onset of action and reducing the potency of the CBD.

8. CBD Paw Balm

Our beloved pets, dogs in particular, are active creatures. They’re always on the move, exploring their world with boundless energy. But this zest for life can sometimes lead to mishaps, especially when it comes to their tender paw pads. 

Thankfully, there are a few products out there designed with paw pads in mind, and CBD-infused options are truly something special. CBD pet paw balms are a soothing embrace for those precious paws, offering both protection and relief from dryness and the harshest of weather conditions. With these balms at the ready, you can take your pup anywhere at any time. These balms come to the rescue for a variety of needs, including:

  • Toe Bean care: Help moisturize and protect your pet’s paw pads from cracking or drying out.
  • Seasonal support: Provide an added layer of protection during extreme weather conditions,
  • Potential soothing effect: Contain ingredients that offer a calming effect on irritated paw pads.

CBD Products for Different Animals

You might have noticed that certain CBD products are made specifically for dogs or cats. It’s crucial to pay attention to these labels because dogs and cats have unique digestive systems, and certain products are designed specifically to meet the needs of dogs or cats.

Our furry friends have different metabolisms, and what’s good for one species might not be the best choice for the other. Make sure you read labels carefully and buy CBD specifically for your animal.

Benefits of Using CBD for Pets

Using CBD pet products help in keeping your little friends healthy and active. CBD has gained popularity as a natural pet supplement due to its potential therapeutic benefits.

The major benefits of CBD are:

  • Alleviates pain and discomfort in pets, especially pets suffering from chronic conditions such as arthritis or joint issues. 
  • Have calming effects on pets and help reduce stress caused by separation, loud noises, or travel-related stress. 
  • Aids in managing inflammatory conditions in pets with anti-inflammatory properties
  • It can help in some cases of epilepsy and seizure disorders, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in pets.
  • Stimulates appetite and promotes healthier eating habits among 
  • It can potentially help reduce vomiting and nausea in pets, making it useful in managing digestive issues.

Tips for Buying CBD Pet Products

Since you want to add CBD to your pet’s diet to ensure its healthy life, I suggest you follow some tips from my expertise. 

  • Consult with a Vet: Before introducing CBD products to your pet’s routine, consult with your veterinarian. Veterinarians can provide valuable advice based on your pet’s specific health needs and any potential interactions with existing medications.
  • Choose Organic Products: You should always select CBD products that are organic. If they are not organic, they may lack quality and contain different additives that are not good for pets. 
  • Don’t Get Tricked by Price: The higher the price, the better the product, don’t fall for such traps. The quality has very little to do with price. You should check the details about the product you will buy and inquire about the company.
  • Look for Certificates: CBD companies need to have some certificates for authenticity. Legal and authentic companies will mention their certification on their products and websites like Cowgirlsoss
  • Look for Third-Party Lab Testing: Reputable CBD manufacturers provide third-party lab testing results. These independent tests verify the product’s potency and ensure it is free from contaminants, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents.
  • Check THC Content: Ensure the CBD product contains less than 0.3% THC, as this is the legal limit for hemp-derived CBD products in many regions. Nonetheless, you must consult with your veteran about the presence of THC. 
  • Check Ingredients: Read the product’s ingredient list to ensure it contains natural and safe components. Avoid products with artificial additives, flavors, or colors.


Is pet CBD safe for humans?

It basically depends on the specific brand and product. Most CBD pet oils work the same way human CBD oils do, so you may not face any problems using them. However, other pet CBD products like treats and balms are not recommended for human use.

What is the difference between pet CBD and human CBD?

The major difference is pet CBD products contain ingredients that will make them taste better for animals.


So, there are different types of pet CBD that you can add to your pet’s diet. It will make them healthier and feel better. From CBD oils to shampoo, tincture, paw balm, treats, chew, and supplements, many options are open. 

You should not purchase any pet product that appears in your Google search. You can follow my tips while purchasing to get the best ones from the market. You may also consider consulting a veterinarian for suggestions. 

 I hope you find this article helpful and will find the best products for your pet. Do reach us if you have further inquiries or need any assistance from us; we are always available to help. 


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