What Does CBD Stand For? What Does CBD Mean?

You may have heard of CBD frequently lately. It has been in discussion for quite some time as some scientists believe it may bring immense health benefits. However, if you are asked what CBD is, you may have trouble answering that question. 

In this article, we let you know in detail:

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What Does CBD Stand For?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is found in Sativa plants. It is one of 150 cannabinoids found naturally in the Cannabis sativa plant. All varieties of Cannabis sativa, including hemp and marijuana, contain these cannabinoids. 

Cannabinoids are highly uncommon in plants, which makes them so special. Only these sativa plants can produce these distinctive chemical compounds. Now that you know what CBD stands for, this leads to our second question.

What Is CBD?

As said earlier, CBD is cannabis that is collected from hemp, not marijuana. Marijuana also contains CBD in a small portion. But use CBD for medical purposes, it is collected from hemp. You must note that marijuana and hemp are two different plants. 

What Is CBD?
What Is CBD?

Based on how much THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, is present in the cannabis plant, hemp and marijuana are distinguished from one another. THC is the main compound in marijuana, and it is a psychoactive chemical that makes you high.

Cannabis plants that contain less than 0.3% THC are called hemp. CBD is not psychoactive, so using CBD has a different effect on the brain than smoking marijuana. 

Does CBD Make You High?

THC is the main component in marijuana that makes you high. Since hemp contains THC in a very small amount, it is safe to use. CBD, on the other hand, does not make you high. Therefore, you can use any CBD-infused product without fearing getting high. However, make sure the product contains less than 0.3% THC. 

Does CBD Make You High?
Does CBD Make You High?

People can enjoy the full benefits of cannabis hemp plants without getting high, thanks to the advantageous effects of CBD. It’s great news for those who struggle with stress and stress or need relief from discomfort for chronic pain. 

CBD can help in such conditions without having the adverse side effects that other supplements do. 

What Does CBD Do?

You can use CBD for several health issues. It may reduce stress and worry, lifting your mood without making you high. You can also use CBD for different kinds of physical discomfort. You can also use CBD in a massage oil or bath to refresh your body and mind.

Tension and uneasiness are very common problems in modern life. Chances are you have experienced at least one of these emotions. Hence, you must know how horrible these feelings are. These emotions can be devastating.  

Discomfort is another problem that you may encounter often. Physical tenderness can hamper your regular life and your professional performance. 

How Does CBD Work?

Much evidence suggests that CBD has a calming effect because it interacts with receptors in the central nervous system. High CBD concentrations have a tranquil effect since they directly activate the 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) serotonin receptor.

How Does CBD Work?
How Does CBD Work?

CBD may exert its therapeutic effects by directly interacting with several ion channels. For instance, CBD binds to TRPV1 receptors, which regulate body temperature, inflammation, and perception of soreness.

Types of Cannabidiol

You can find cannabidiol in different forms, but the three most common forms of CBD are full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate.

Full-spectrum: Cannabis plants contain more than a hundred compounds; some are beneficial for our health, some not. Some compounds increase the ability of CBD. Full-spectrum CBD products are products that contain other compounds, including THC.

Broad-spectrum: This type of CBD does not contain THC, though it contains some other compounds. 

Isolate: CBD isolate only contains cannabidiol and no other compounds that are found in cannabis plants. Most tinctures made from herbs in isolation are completely transparent.

CBD is found in many sorts of products. Based on how the products are used, we can divide CBD into three categories: oral, topical, and inhaled forms.

Oral: You can take CBD orally, which is the most common way of taking CBD. To take it orally, you can try CBD tinctures, gummies, or capsules. You need to hold the CBD tincture under the tongue for about a minute, whereas you can chew the gummies and swallow the capsules.

Topical: You can apply CBD to your body in the form of lotions or oils. Topical use is very convenient for joint soreness. 

Inhaler: If you want to get some health benefits without tinctures or capsules, then CBD vaping is a possibility. But beware, Inhaling any compound comes with risks.

What Type of CBD Is Most Effective

Have all these options for CBD confused you? Do not worry about the varieties. Instead, decide for what purpose you want to use CBD. Based on your need how you should choose the product:

CBD for mood If you want to use CBD to uplift your mood or energy, you should go for ingested type. CBD capsules and oils may be effective for mood and motivation improvement.

CBD for discomfort: If your goal is to get relief from discomfort or tenderness, then topical use of CBD is more beneficial. Using CBD oil, cream, or lotion on the skin may help relieve the discomfort.

CBD for relaxation: If you want to apply CBD to experience the calm and relaxing effect it provides, you can use CBD oil for a full body massage or a nano-CBD bath salt to reduce your stress and feel relaxed. 

When to Take CBD

The best time to take CBD depends on your purpose for taking CBD. You can use CBD for different purposes. Decide what your primary goal is for CBD and that will determine the best time for taking CBD.

1. Take CBD In The Morning 

Do you find it difficult to have a fresh start in the morning? Do you feel unmotivated and sleepy? Or, you may face difficulties focusing at work. You can start your day with CBD. A 2015 study shows that it has an awakening effect.

Taking CBD in the morning will keep you energetic, and you will feel less sleepy. Besides, some people feel nervous after getting up. If you have the same problem, then taking CBD oil sublingually may help. Alternatively, you can take CBD gummies or capsules as well. 

2. Use CBD During The Day

You can use CBD during the day if you face problems like headaches or other physical troubles. Headaches can strike at any time so carrying CBD with you is a good idea.

3. Use CBD At Night

Many people prefer to use CBD at night for several reasons. First of all, it can calm your mind and improve sleep. Taking a bath with CBD salt relaxes your muscles, so you feel calm and relaxed. It can reduce worry and tension and may help you sleep better.

Sleep trouble is a common problem among adults in the United States. A study shows that about 33% of adults suffer from it. Sleep deprivation can cause various problems so a natural option that may help you sleep better is a smart place to start.

How Long Does CBD Stay Active?

How long does CBD remain active in your body? It depends on various factors. The amount you are consuming, your inner body metabolism, and the quality of the CBD. The exact answer is difficult to provide as more research needs to be conducted.

How Long Does CBD Stay Active?
How Long Does CBD Stay Active?

However, some research shows that it takes two to three days to clear the effect entirely from your body. As CBD does not make you high, the effect is all positive. It won’t hamper your daily activities but rather boost your performance.

Is CBD Addictive?

According to a 2017 World Health Organization report, CBD is not addictive, which means if you start taking CBD, you can quit it at any time you want to. Patients who have been prescribed CBD for a short period of time did not experience any kind of addictive symptoms.

Does CBD Have Side Effects?

Pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are made to help people with various conditions. But often, they cause side effects. Sometimes the side effects are ignorable, while sometimes, it is so severe that medications are taken off the market. Luckily, CBD is almost side-effect free. So far, studies have not found any proven side effects of the compound.

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp or any other cannabis plant that contains less than 0.3% THC is legal to grow. However, state laws vary from one to another. Many states have already declared CBD and CBD-infused products legal, while some states are still discussing it.

Because of all the benefits CBD provides and the practical examples we have around the world regarding CBD’s benefits, it is expected that CBD will soon be legal throughout the United States.

CBD Is Not A New Invention

Most Americans may tell you that CBD is a natural and safe compound. while it has been in use for ages. In the mid-nineteenth century, marijuana was an important medical compound. 

Is CBD Good For The Environment?

CBD is great for nature. It works as a purifier of the environment. The plant quickly purifies the air we breathe by capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In fact, hemp is a much more efficient sequester of carbon dioxide than trees. Hemp removes 1.63 tons of carbon from the air for every tonne of hemp produced.

Is CBD Good For The Environment?
Is CBD Good For The Environment?

Hemp also grows fast, taking only four months to grow. It makes the farmers sustainable in the annual rotation, along with helping the regeneration of the soil. Hemp contains nutrients, and its roots grow up to nine feet under the soil. The cultivation of hemp makes the land more fertile. It helps to restore damaged soil.

Why Choose Cowgirl SOSS™ For CBD Products

If you are interested in buying the best quality, organic CBD products then Cowgirl SOSS™ is a solid choice and always 100% committed to providing you with the best organic CBD products.


Many scientists believe that CBD has great potential to bring about a revolution in the health field. More research is needed, but, CBD is one of the few chemicals that may treat many health problems without causing any known side effects. So, to summarize, what does CBD stand for? It stands for good health, of course.

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