How to Use Full Spectrum Oil: Based on My Personal Experience

As co-founder of a Colorado natural medicine business, I have witnessed how CBD can help people and pets. But, today I would like to share some of my personal experiences, the benefits I have felt, and the reasons I think full-spectrum CBD oil is worth having on hand. But first thing first, “What is Full-Spectrum CBD Oil?” 

Full-spectrum CBD oil is a compound in which hemp has been infused into a carrier oil, such as coconut, vegetable or other neutral oil. This oil is rich in CBD, minor cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes [1] and also contains a small inherent amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) [2] 

Read more to hear about my personal experiences with Full-Spectrum CBD oil then we will move on to how you can add this oil to your daily regimen.

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What Can Full-Spectrum CBD Oil be Used for?

Full-spectrum CBD oil is commonly used for the following purposes:

  1. Promoting relaxation and a sense of calm
  2. Supporting a healthy sleep cycle
  3. Aiding in the management of everyday stress
  4. Supporting healthy muscles and joints
  5. Overall wellness and balance

What are the Benefits of Full-spectrum CBD oil?

By Federal law, I am forbidden from making any health claims, however, I can attest to you that CBD has benefited my life in many ways. Some of these benefits are backed by scientific research, while some are still being studied. 

My personal experiences with Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

As I already mentioned, I cannot make any specific health claims due to federal regulations, however, the government can’t keep me from sharing my personal experiences and the benefits I have received using Full-spectrum CBD [3]  oil. 

Remember that everyone is unique and what works for me may not work for everyone. Having said that, I believe that information is power. Hopefully, you can relate in some way and see how this natural remedy may fit into your life, or the life of a friend or family member. So, let’s explore how it has helped me win a few of my life challenges.

1. Post-Surgery

Post-surgical pain was drastically affecting my mood and daily functioning in 2012. I had 3 children under 10 and was recovering from a biceps tendon tear repair and frozen shoulder. I was determined to quit the opioids because of the side effects but desperately needed something for the pain. 

Post Surgery

I started using Full-Spectrum CBD oil to help manage the pain and wean off of the prescription pain medication. This worked for me because I got relief without being “high” on narcotics. 

I could take care of my children and drive, which I was struggling to do on Oxycontin [4]. I started with a low dose of full-spectrum CBD and built up from there to find the right dose for my pain level. Today, I use Full-Spectrum CBD oil regularly for muscle soreness and menstrual cramps

2. Calming

As a small business owner at Cowgirl SOSS™, mom of three daughters, and a volunteer for a Denver dog rescue, I know a thing or two about daily stress [5], work worry, how am I going to get all of this done narrative, and not feeling like you are doing enough in all the areas of your life story. 

A man is Calming with full spectrum oil

Full-Spectrum CBD oil helps calm me down so I can focus on getting tasks done, rather than worrying about them. It helps me focus, it centers me without inebriation and I feel less guilty about what I am not getting done and more proud of what I am accomplishing.

3. Better Sleep

If you’re struggling with getting to sleep, like I do, this might be handy information for you. During the phase I was struggling to fall asleep, high-potency full-spectrum CBD oil (2500-5000 mg) helped slow down my monkey mind (see above paragraph) and relax my nerves so I can get to sleep easier. I use a Full-Spectrum oil with CBN [6] at night to get that heavy eyelid feeling. 

A man is sleeping well using full-spectrum oil

Moving on from my personal experience with using full-spectrum CBD oil, let’s talk about the practical aspects of taking full-spectrum CBD oil. The process is quite simple and easy to add to your daily health regimen.

How do I take Full-spectrum CBD oil?

  1. Shake the bottle well to distribute all of the natural compounds
  2. Use the included dropper to measure your dose 
  3. Place the oil under your tongue and hold it there for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. This method allows for faster absorption into your bloodstream.

Can You Eat Full Spectrum Oil?

Can You Eat Full Spectrum Oil. A man catching full spectrum oil drop

Yes, you can incorporate full-spectrum CBD oil into your diet by adding it to foods or beverages. However, absorption through the digestive system takes longer, so it might be a while before you feel the effects. It’s another way to include CBD in your routine, especially if you don’t love the oil’s taste.

When Should I Take Full Spectrum CBD: Morning or Night?

The timing for taking full-spectrum CBD oil depends on your health goals and how CBD affects you individually. Taking it in the morning may help get you going, while evening doses can support relaxation. Experiment to find what timing works best for you.

How Many Times a Day Can You Take Full-Spectrum CBD Oil?

Typically, once or twice a day is sufficient for most people. However, your optimal frequency will depend on your specific needs and the effects you’re looking for. Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust accordingly.

How Long Does Full Spectrum Oil Take to Work?

When taken sublingually, full-spectrum CBD oil generally begins to work within 15 to 45 minutes. If ingested with food, the onset of effects may be delayed, taking anywhere from one to two hours. Individual experiences may vary based on dosage and personal metabolism.

How Do You Use a Full Spectrum Oil Dropper?

Using the dropper is simple: squeeze the bulb to pick up the oil, carefully dispense the desired amount under your tongue, and wait 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. This method ensures precise dosing and quick absorption.

How Should I Store My CBD Oil?

Store your CBD oil in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cabinet, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Proper storage helps maintain the oil’s potency and extends its shelf life.

What Happens if You Take Too Much Full-Spectrum CBD Oil?

Taking more CBD oil than needed might lead to mild side effects such as fatigue or dry mouth. These symptoms are usually temporary and can be avoided by reducing your dosage. Listening to your body and starting with a lower dose can help you find the right balance for your wellness needs.

I Would Like to Start Taking Full-Spectrum CBD Oil, now What? 

If you have made the decision to start taking Full-Spectrum CBD oil, I strongly recommend consulting with your doctor to discuss any potential concerns, such as interactions with existing medications or specific health conditions. Begin cautiously and use the following tips when starting your CBD journey.

Get the Green Light from your Doctor

Consult with your physician to ask the appropriate questions before taking your first dose of CBD. It is natural but powerful and may interact with prescription medications. Once you have the green light, only use premium-quality CBD oil from reputable brands that provide third-party lab testing results that guarantee that you’re getting a safe and effective product.

Tips for Starting Full-Spectrum CBD Oil 

  • I advocate for starting with a low dose, around 5-10mg, and gradually increase the dose until you find what works best for you. 
  • Use the dropper to measure the dose then place the oil under your tongue and hold it there for 30-60 seconds before swallowing. 
  • Take into consideration when you are taking your dose. CBD is relaxing and can make you sleepy. 
  • Be consistent with your dosing

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil and the Entourage Effect

The entourage effect [7] theory states that the entire plant contains beneficial compounds that work together and that the sum of those benefits is greater than the individual parts. Using this logic, I always steer our clients towards Full-Spectrum CBD. If THC is not tolerated [8] or your job requires drug testing, CBD Isolate or broad spectrum are good alternatives. 


Full-spectrum CBD oil has been a game-changer for managing my daily discomforts, stressors and sleep problems.  Before I started taking Full-Spectrum CBD I asked my physician for approval and got the go-ahead. If you can tolerate THC, I highly suggest giving Full-Spectrum CBD a try and see how it might help you navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and balance.



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